



Used on:

socialaccount_signup view used when a user initially signs up with a social account and needs to create an account.

Example override:

from allauth.socialaccount.forms import SignupForm
class MyCustomSocialSignupForm(SignupForm):

    def save(self, request):

        # Ensure you call the parent class's save.
        # .save() returns a User object.
        user = super(MyCustomSocialSignupForm, self).save(request)

        # Add your own processing here.

        # You must return the original result.
        return user

You have access to the following:

  • self.socialaccount

SOCIALACCOUNT_FORMS = {'signup': 'mysite.forms.MyCustomSocialSignupForm'}




Used on:

socialaccount_connections view, used when removing a social account.

Example override:

from allauth.socialaccount.forms import DisconnectForm
class MyCustomSocialDisconnectForm(DisconnectForm):

    def save(self):

        # Add your own processing here if you do need access to the
        # socialaccount being deleted.

        # Ensure you call the parent class's save.
        # .save() does not return anything
        super(MyCustomSocialDisconnectForm, self).save()

        # Add your own processing here if you don't need access to the
        # socialaccount being deleted.

You have access to the following:

  • self.request is the request object

  • self.accounts is a list containing all of the user’s SocialAccount objects.

  • self.cleaned_data['account'] contains the socialaccount being deleted. .save() issues the delete. So if you need access to the socialaccount beforehand, move your code before .save().

SOCIALACCOUNT_FORMS = {'disconnect': 'mysite.forms.MyCustomSocialDisconnectForm'}