SAML 2.0 is supported out of the box. However, the required dependencies are not installed by default. Therefore, you will need to specifcy the saml extra when installing the package:

$ pip install "django-allauth[saml]"

When you need to support SAML based authentication, often you need to support multiple organizations, each having their own SAML based Identity Provider (IdP). The way this translates to allauth is as follows:

  • The allauth SAML endpoints all include an organization slug. For example, /accounts/saml/<organization_slug>/login/ is used to initiate the SAML login flow.

  • The organization slug is used to lookup the SAML IdP configuration, which is stored in a SocialApp, or, its settings based SOCIALACCOUNT_PROVIDERS['saml']['APPS'] counterpart.

  • As per the SAML specification, each IdP is identified by an entity ID. Entity IDs typically use a URI based notation, and are therefore not suitable to be used as the organization slug. So, you need to be aware that allauth has two ways of identifying the SocialApp – via the SAML entity ID, and, via the organization slug.

  • For each user signing in via the SAML provider, a SocialAccount record is created. Here, the combination of SocialAccount.provider and SocialAccount.uid is expected to be unique. The uid identitifer is the SAML account ID which is locally unique within the IdP. Therefore, if you are using multiple IdP’s SocialAccount.provider cannot be set to "saml". Instead, the IdP entity ID would be a good candidate.

  • The SAML account attributes can differ per IdP. Therefore, additional configuration is needed to be able to extract relevant account attributes, such as the uid and email. This is done by setting up an attribute mapping.

How all of the above is configured in practice is shown below. Note that here we are using the settings based configuration, but you can setup the SocialApp via the Django admin as well:

    "saml": {
        # Here, each app represents the SAML provider configuration of one
        # organization.
        "APPS": [
                # Used for display purposes, e.g. over by: {% get_providers %}
                "name": "Acme Inc",

                # Accounts signed up via this provider will have their
                # `SocialAccount.provider` value set to this ID. The combination
                # of this value and the `uid` must be unique. The IdP entity ID is a
                # good choice for this.
                "provider_id": "",

                # The organization slug is configured by setting the
                # `client_id` value. In this example, the SAML login URL is:
                #     /accounts/saml/acme-inc/login/
                "client_id": "acme-inc",

                # The fields above are common `SocialApp` fields. For SAML,
                # additional configuration is needed, which is placed in
                # `SocialApp.settings`:
                "settings": {

                    # Mapping account attributes to upstream (IdP specific) attributes.
                    # If left empty, an attempt will be done to map the attributes using
                    # built-in defaults.
                    "attribute_mapping": {
                        "uid": "",
                        "email_verified": "",
                        "email": "",

                    # The following setting allows you to force the use of nameID as email.
                    # This can be useful if you are using a SAML IdP that is broken in some way and
                    # does not allow use of the emailAddress nameid format
                    "use_nameid_for_email": False,

                    # The configuration of the IdP.
                    "idp": {
                        # The entity ID of the IdP is required.
                        "entity_id": "",

                        # Then, you can either specify the IdP's metadata URL:
                        "metadata_url": "",

                        # Or, you can inline the IdP parameters here as follows:
                        "sso_url": "",
                        "slo_url": "",
                        "x509cert": """
                    # The configuration of the SP.
                    "sp": {
                        # Optional entity ID of the SP. If not set, defaults to the `saml_metadata` urlpattern
                        "entity_id": "",

                    # Advanced settings.
                    "advanced": {
                        "allow_repeat_attribute_name": True,
                        "allow_single_label_domains": False,
                        "authn_request_signed": False,
                        "digest_algorithm": "",
                        "logout_request_signed": False,
                        "logout_response_signed": False,
                        "metadata_signed": False,
                        "name_id_encrypted": False,
                        "name_id_format": "urn:oasis:names:tc:SAML:1.1:nameid-format:unspecified",
                        "private_key": "MIID/zCCAuegAwIBAg...VGgdy+xoA==",
                        "reject_deprecated_algorithm": True,
                        # Due to security concerns, IdP initiated SSO is rejected by default.
                        "reject_idp_initiated_sso": True,
                        "signature_algorithm": "",
                        "want_assertion_encrypted": False,
                        "want_assertion_signed": False,
                        "want_attribute_statement": True,
                        "want_message_signed": False,
                        "want_name_id": False,
                        "want_name_id_encrypted": False,
                        "x509cert": "MIIEvQIBADANB...oddbXECo=",
                    "contact_person": {
                        "technical": {
                            "givenName": "Alice",
                            "emailAddress": "",
                        "administrative": {
                            "givenName": "Bob",
                            "emailAddress": "",

In your templates, you can construct login URLs using the following template tag:

{% load socialaccount %}
{% provider_login_url "<provider_id>" %}

The SAML provider has the following endpoints:

  • /accounts/saml/<organization_slug>/login/: Initiate a login.

  • /accounts/saml/<organization_slug>/acs/: Assertion Consumer Service URL.

  • /accounts/saml/<organization_slug>/sls/: Single Logout Service URL.

  • /accounts/saml/<organization_slug>/metadata/: Metadata URL.


  • Most SAML IdPs require TLS (formerly SSL) to be used, making testing with runserver challenging. Make sure to configure Django to use HTTPS.

  • If using a reverse proxy, be sure to set Django settings USE_X_FORWARDED_HOST = True, SECURE_PROXY_SSL_HEADER = ('HTTP_X_FORWARDED_PROTO', 'https'), and SECURE_SSL_REDIRECT = True. In your web server’s reverse proxy configuration, ensure that you set request headers X_FORWARDED_PROTO 'https' env=HTTPS and X-Forwarded-Ssl on.

  • Cookies must also be secure; ensure that CSRF_COOKIE_DOMAIN and SESSION_COOKIE_DOMAIN are set to, and that CSRF_COOKIE_SECURE and SESSION_COOKIE_SECURE are True in your Django settings.

  • Test with your browser in privacy / incognito mode, check your developer console to ensure that cookies are being set correctly, and use a tool like SAML Tracer (Firefox / Chromium) to inspect the SAML messages being exchanged. SAML Tracer is also useful for looking up the IdP SAML values to map to uid, email, and email_verified in the attribute_mapping configuration.