
The Google provider is OAuth2 based.

More info:

App registration#

Create a google app to obtain a key and secret through the developer console.

Google Developer Console

After you create a project, you will have to create an OAuth client ID and fill in some project details for the consent form that will be presented to the client:

  1. Under “APIs & Services”, go to “Credentials”, click “Create credentials” and create a new “OAuth client ID”. Probably you will want to choose “Web application” as the application type. Provide your domain name or test domain name in “Authorized JavaScript origins”. Finally, fill in the “Authorized redirect URIs” field with URLs like , replacing the domain name with your domain name, or with for testing. After creating the OAuth client ID, make a note of the client ID and the client secret, as you will need it later.

  2. Users that log in using the app will be presented a consent form. For this to work, additional information is required. Under “APIs & Services”, go to “OAuth consent screen” and at least provide an email address and a product name.

Django configuration#

Don’t forget to add the Google provider to your INSTALLED_APPS setting:


The app credentials are configured for your Django installation via the admin interface. Create a new socialapp through /admin/socialaccount/socialapp/.

Fill in the form as follows:

  • Provider, “Google”

  • Name, your pick, suggest “Google”

  • Client id, is called “Client ID” by Google

  • Secret key, is called “Client secret” by Google

  • Key, is not needed, leave blank.

Optionally, you can specify the scope to use as follows:

    'google': {
        'SCOPE': [
        'AUTH_PARAMS': {
            'access_type': 'online',
        'OAUTH_PKCE_ENABLED': True,

By default (if you do not specify SCOPE), profile scope is requested, and optionally email scope depending on whether or not SOCIALACCOUNT_QUERY_EMAIL is enabled.

You must set AUTH_PARAMS['access_type'] to offline in order to receive a refresh token on first login and on reauthentication requests (which is needed to refresh authentication tokens in the background, without involving the user’s browser). When unspecified, Google defaults to online.

By default, the userinfo endpoint will not be fetched. In most cases, this will be fine, as most in scope user data is gained via decoding the JWT. However if users have a private style of avatar_url then this will not ordinarily be returned in the JWT and as such, subsequent calls to get_avatar_url will return None.

You can optionally specify the following setting so that the userinfo endpoint will be used to populate the avatar_url for those users who have a private style of avatar_url.

    'google': {
        'FETCH_USERINFO' : True

One Tap Sign-In#

One Tap Sign-In can be enabled by adding a snippet like this snippet to your template:

<script src="//" async></script>
<div id="g_id_onload"
     data-login_uri="{% url 'google_login_by_token' %}">

Follow the Sign In with Google for Web guide for more information.