Available settings:
)Specifies the adapter class to use, allowing you to alter certain default behaviour.
)The default behaviour is to redirect authenticated users to
when they try accessing login/signup pages.By changing this setting to
, logged in users will not be redirected when they access login/signup pages.ACCOUNT_AUTHENTICATION_METHOD
, alternatives:"email"
)Specifies the login method to use – whether the user logs in by entering their username, email address, or either one of both. Setting this to
)When disabled (
), users can add one or more email addresses (up to a maximum ofACCOUNT_MAX_EMAIL_ADDRESSES
) to their account and freely manage those email addresses. When enabled (True
), users are limited to having exactly one email address that they can change by adding a temporary second email address that, when verified, replaces the current email address.ACCOUNT_CONFIRM_EMAIL_ON_GET
)Determines whether or not an email address is automatically confirmed by a GET request. GET is not designed to modify the server state, though it is commonly used for email confirmation. To avoid requiring user interaction, consider using POST via Javascript in your email confirmation template as an alternative to setting this to True.
)The URL to redirect to after a successful email confirmation, in case no user is logged in.
)The URL to redirect to after a successful email confirmation, in case of an authenticated user. Set to
to usesettings.LOGIN_REDIRECT_URL
)Determines the expiration date of email confirmation mails (# of days).
)In order to verify an email address a key is mailed identifying the email address to be verified. In previous versions, a record was stored in the database for each ongoing email confirmation, keeping track of these keys. Current versions use HMAC based keys that do not require server side state.
)When enabled, account related security notifications, such as “Your password was changed”, including information on user agent / IP address from where the change originated, will be emailed.
)The user is required to hand over an email address when signing up.
)Determines the email verification method during signup – choose one of
, or"none"
.Setting this to
to beTrue
.When set to
the user is blocked from logging in until the email address is verified. Choose"optional"
to allow logins with an unverified email address. In case of"optional"
, the email verification mail is still sent, whereas in case of “none” no email verification mails are sent.ACCOUNT_EMAIL_VERIFICATION_BY_CODE_ENABLED
)Constrols whether email verification is performed by means of following a link in the email (
), or by entering a code (True
)This setting controls the maximum number of attempts the user has at inputting a valid code.
)The code that is emailed has a limited life span. It expires this many seconds after which it was sent.
(default:"[Site] "
)Subject-line prefix to use for email messages sent. By default, the name of the current
)Configures whether password reset attempts for email addresses which do not have an account result in sending an email.
)The default protocol used for when generating URLs, e.g. for the password forgotten procedure. Note that this is a default only – see the section on HTTPS for more information.
)Maximum length of the email field. You won’t need to alter this unless using MySQL with the InnoDB storage engine and the
charset, and only in versions lower than 5.7.7, because the default InnoDB settings don’t allow indexes bigger than 767 bytes. When usingutf8mb4
, characters are 4-bytes wide, so at maximum column indexes can be 191 characters long (767/4). Unfortunately Django doesn’t allow specifying index lengths, so the solution is to reduce the length in characters of indexed text fields. More information can be found at MySQL’s documentation on converting between 3-byte and 4-byte Unicode character sets.ACCOUNT_MAX_EMAIL_ADDRESSES
)The maximum amount of email addresses a user can associate to his account. It is safe to change this setting for an already running project – it will not negatively affect users that already exceed the allowed amount. Note that if you set the maximum to 1, users will not be able to change their email address.
Used to override the builtin forms. Defaults to:
ACCOUNT_FORMS = { 'add_email': 'allauth.account.forms.AddEmailForm', 'change_password': 'allauth.account.forms.ChangePasswordForm', 'confirm_login_code': 'allauth.account.forms.ConfirmLoginCodeForm', 'login': 'allauth.account.forms.LoginForm', 'request_login_code': 'allauth.account.forms.RequestLoginCodeForm', 'reset_password': 'allauth.account.forms.ResetPasswordForm', 'reset_password_from_key': 'allauth.account.forms.ResetPasswordKeyForm', 'set_password': 'allauth.account.forms.SetPasswordForm', 'signup': 'allauth.account.forms.SignupForm', 'user_token': 'allauth.account.forms.UserTokenForm', }
)“Login by email” offers an alternative method of logging in. Instead of entering an email address and accompanying password, the user only enters the email address. Then, a one-time code is sent to that email address which allows the user to login. This method is often referred to as “Magic Code Login”. This setting controls whether or not this method of logging in is enabled.
)This setting controls the maximum number of attempts the user has at inputting a valid code.
)When enabled (in case of
), every user logging in is required to input a login confirmation code sent by email. Alternatively, you can specify a set of authentication methods ("password"
, or"socialaccount"
) for which login codes are required.ACCOUNT_LOGIN_BY_CODE_TIMEOUT
)The code that is emailed has a limited life span. It expires this many seconds after which it was sent.
)The default behavior is not log users in and to redirect them to
.By changing this setting to
, users will automatically be logged in once they confirm their email address. Note however that this only works when confirming the email address immediately after signing up, assuming users didn’t close their browser or used some sort of private browsing mode.Note that this setting only affects email verification by link. It has no affect in case you turn on code based verification (
)By changing this setting to
, users will automatically be logged in once they have reset their password. By default they are redirected to the password reset done page.ACCOUNT_LOGIN_TIMEOUT
)The maximum allowed time (in seconds) for a login to go through the various login stages. This limits, for example, the time span that the 2FA stage remains available.
)Determines whether or not the user is automatically logged out by a GET request. GET is not designed to modify the server state, and in this case it can be dangerous. See LogoutView in the documentation for details.
)Determines whether or not the user is automatically logged out after changing or setting their password. See documentation for Django’s session invalidation on password change.
(default:settings.LOGOUT_REDIRECT_URL or "/"
)The URL (or URL name) to return to after the user logs out. Defaults to Django’s
, unless that is empty, then"/"
parameter as passed toPasswordInput
)A string pointing to a custom token generator (e.g. ‘myapp.auth.CustomTokenGenerator’) for password resets. This class should implement the same methods as
)This setting determines whether the username is stored in lowercase (
) or whether its casing is to be preserved (True
). Note that when casing is preserved, potentially expensive__iexact
lookups are performed when filter on username. For now, the default is set toTrue
to maintain backwards compatibility.ACCOUNT_PREVENT_ENUMERATION
)Controls whether or not information is revealed about whether or not a user account exists. For example, by entering random email addresses in the password reset form you can test whether or not those email addresses are associated with an account. Enabling this setting prevents that, and an email is always sent, regardless of whether or not the account exists. Note that there is a slight usability tax to pay because there is no immediate feedback.
Whether or not enumeration can be prevented during signup depends on the email verification method. In case of mandatory verification, enumeration can be properly prevented because the case where an email address is already taken is indistinguishable from the case where it is not. However, in case of optional or disabled email verification, enumeration can only be prevented by allowing the signup to go through, resulting in multiple accounts sharing same email address (although only one of the accounts can ever have it verified). When enumeration is set to
, email address uniqueness takes precedence over enumeration prevention, and the issue of multiple accounts having the same email address will be avoided, thus leaking information. Set it to"strict"
to allow for signups to go through.ACCOUNT_RATE_LIMITS
)In order to be secure out of the box various rate limits are in place. See Rate Limits for details.
)Before asking the user to reauthenticate, we check if a successful (re)authentication happened within the amount of seconds specified here, and if that is the case, the new reauthentication flow is silently skipped.
)Specifies whether or not reauthentication is required before the user can alter his account.
)Controls the life time of the session. Set to
to ask the user (“Remember me?”),False
to not remember, andTrue
)When signing up, let the user type in their email address twice to avoid typo’s.
)A string pointing to a custom form class (e.g.
) that is used during signup to ask the user for additional input (e.g. newsletter signup, birth date). This class should implement adef signup(self, request, user)
method, where user represents the newly signed up user.ACCOUNT_SIGNUP_FORM_HONEYPOT_FIELD
)A string value that will be used as the HTML ‘name’ property on a honeypot input field on the sign up form. Honeypot fields are hidden to normal users but might be filled out by naive spam bots. When the field is filled out the app will not create a new user and attempt to fool the bot with a fake successful response. We recommend setting this to some believable value that your app does not actually collect on signup e.g. ‘phone_number’ or ‘address’. Honeypots are not always successful for sophisticated bots so this should be used as one layer in a suite of spam detection tools if your site is having trouble with spam.
)When signing up, let the user type in their password twice to avoid typos.
)The URL (or URL name) to redirect to directly after signing up. Note that users are only redirected to this URL if the signup went through uninterruptedly, for example, without any side steps due to email verification. If your project requires the user to always pass through certain onboarding views after signup, you will have to keep track of state indicating whether or not the user successfully onboarded, and handle accordingly.
)A string defining the template extension to use, defaults to
)A list of usernames that can’t be used by user.
)Enforce uniqueness of email addresses. On the database level, this implies that only one user account can have an email address marked as verified. Forms prevent a user from registering with or adding an additional email address if that email address is in use by another account.
(default: a callable returninguser.username
)A callable (or string of the form
) that takes a user as its only argument and returns the display name of the user. The default implementation returnsuser.username
)The name of the field containing the
, if any. See custom user models.ACCOUNT_USER_MODEL_USERNAME_FIELD
)The name of the field containing the
, if any. See custom user models.ACCOUNT_USERNAME_MIN_LENGTH
)An integer specifying the minimum allowed length of a username.
)The user is required to enter a username when signing up. Note that the user will be asked to do so even if
is set toemail
. Set toFalse
when you do not wish to prompt the user to enter a username.ACCOUNT_USERNAME_VALIDATORS
)A path (
) to a list of custom username validators. If left unset, the validators setup within the user model username field are used.Example:
# In from django.contrib.auth.validators import ASCIIUsernameValidator custom_username_validators = [ASCIIUsernameValidator()] # In ACCOUNT_USERNAME_VALIDATORS = 'some.module.validators.custom_username_validators'